# $Id: API.txt,v 2010/04/18 12:25:43 kiam Exp $ # This file contains a log of changes to the API. API version 1.1 * The module uses hook_nodewords_tags_info(), and hook_nodewords_api(). * Functions that before were private are now public. API version 1.3 * The module uses hook_nodewords_type_id(). * The function nodewords_output_tags() has been changed from nodewords_output_tags($tags) to nodewords_output_tags($tags, $output_type = 'head'). * The function nodewords_unique() has been changed from nodewords_unique($text, $max_items = 0, $separator = ',') to nodewords_unique($text, $separator = ',', $max_items = -1). API version 1.4 * The function nodewords_metatag_from_teaser() has been changed from nodewords_metatag_from_teaser($text, $format, $alt_attribute, $size = 0) to nodewords_metatag_from_teaser($text, $format, $options = array()). API version 1.5 * Changed the name of the constants from NODEWORDS_MT_TYPE_* to NODEWORDS_TYPE_*. API version 1.6 * Changed the function nodewords_get_tags() from nodewords_get_tags($type, $ids = array(''), $filtered = TRUE) to nodewords_get_tags($type, $ids = array(''), $options = array()). API version 1.7 * The module uses hook_nodewords_tags_output_alter(). * The identifier passed to _settings_form() for the meta tags settings form is now the form identifier as used by Drupal (nodewords_settings_form). API version 1.8 * The module uses hook_nodewords_tags_alter(). * The function nodewords_mass_delete_tags() cannot be used to delete meta tags associated with custom pages anymore. API version 1.9 * The function nodewords_metatag_from_teaser($text, $format, $options = array()) has been replaced by nodewords_metatag_from_node_content($node, $content, $options = array()). API version 1.10 * The function nodewords_mass_update() has been added. API version 1.11 * All the functions nodewords_pages_*() have been renamed nodewords_custom_pages_*(). * A new costant has been introduced (NODEWORDS_TYPE_OFFLINE). * The function nodewords_get_tags() has been removed. * The function nodewords_output_tags() is now a private function. * The function nodewords_unique() has been renamed nodewords_unique_values(). * The parameters for the function nodewords_get_term() have been changed from nodewords_get_term($tid) to nodewords_get_term($tid, $account = NULL). * Added the function nodewords_url($path, $options = array()). API version 1.12 * The value expected from hook_nodewords_tags_info() has been changed. * New functions have been added: nodewords_check_api_version(), nodewords_load_include(), nodewords_load_all_includes(). * The function nodewords_form() has been renamed nodewords_tags_edit_fields(); the first parameter of the function has been changed. * The function nodewords_replace_tokens() has been added. * The function nodewords_delete_tags() has been changed from nodewords_delete_tags($type, $id) to nodewords_delete_tags($options = array()). * The module uses hook_nodewords_tags_info_alter(), and hook_nodewords_delete_tags(), hook_nodewords_tag_permission_alter(), and hook_nodewords_default_value_alter(). * The function nodewords_save_tags() has been changed from nodewords_save_tags($type, $id, $tags, $log_message = FALSE) to nodewords_save_tags($tags, $options = array()). * The functions nodewords_admin_tags_form*() have been renamed nodewords_admin_tags_edit_form*(). * The function nodewords_admin_tags_form() has been changed from nodewords_admin_tags_form(&$form_state, $type = NODEWORDS_TYPE_DEFAULT, $id = 0) to nodewords_admin_tags_edit_form(&$form_state, $options).