// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2010/03/16 21:33:48 sun Exp $ Menu Trails x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------- Menu Trails 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------- Menu Trails 6.x-1.1, 2010-03-16 ------------------------------- #630290 by grendzy: Fixed views integration ignores global breadcrumb setting. #632070 by sun, nemchenk: Fixed first group removed from $node->og_groups. #547634 by eojthebrave, sun: Fixed wrong node parent assigned via taxonomy term. #430290 by eojthebrave, sun: Added parent item selection from any menu. #368074 by sun: Fixed token values not generated for nodes without menu item. #368071 by sun: Fixed all slashes stripped from Pathauto tokens. #364717 by sun: Fixed some more PHP notices and proper usage of t(). #344853 by sun: Fixed breadcrumb contains "array" in certain cases; Updated theme_links() override with current Drupal core code. #340725 by dynamind, chris.cohen: Added Views integration. #328517 by eojthebrave, sun: Fixed README.txt (about theme override function). #425712 by michaek: Fixed breadcrumb contains ancestors of the current page. #379952 by crischan: Fixed missing db_query() table prefix placeholder for OG. #331870 by Starnox, acstewart, noahb: Fixed breadcrumb contains all sub-links of an expanded link. #377476 by pebosi: Added hook_uninstall(). #364717 by drewish, sun: Fixed PHP notices. #363244 by Sutharsan: Fixed parsing error in .info file. #327687 by sun: Fixed PHP notices. #159705 by Sutharsan, sun: Fixed PHP notices if Taxonomy module is not enabled. #327648 by sun: Changed location of admin settings to admin/build/menu/trails. #324631 by sun: Fixed typos in settings form. #325613 by sun: Code clean-up. #313556 by joshk: Fixed PHP fatal error if Taxonomy module not exists. by joshk: Added Token support for Pathauto integration. by joshk: Added breadcrumb support. by joshk: Added OG support. by joshk: Ported to Drupal 6.x. Menu Trails 5.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------- #154464 by joshk: Fixed Menu Trails By Category in $nodetype not saved.