Flash node installation instructions ------------------------------------ 1.) Copy the flashnode directory to your modules directory 2.) Enable the module at Administer > Site building > Modules > Flash node 3.) Enable user access as required at Administer > User management > Access control 4.) Enable the flash filter if required at Administer > Site configuration > Input formats 5.) Alter the default settings at Administer > Site configuration > Flash node settings To create Flash content simply go to Create content > Flash Note - flash node uses direct embedding of content. In the short term this will result in the 'Click here to activate and use this control' message under Internet Explorer. However, this requirement will shortly be removed from IE. To enable javascript embedding requires the use of the SWF Tools module, but at this time SWF Tools has not been upgraded to Drupal 6. Once this has been done then you can optionally download and install SWF Tools to enable script replacement methods. Installing SWF Tools will also to re-enable handling of mp3 or flv files via the SWF Tools media players. The latest information on SWF Tools can be found at drupal.org/project/swftools ; $Id: INSTALL.txt,v 1.7 2008/02/26 22:45:39 stuartgreenfield Exp $